The first part of this series I discussed my goals and resolutions as well as my integrity and character. I also did some simple math on figuring out a pace to efficiently achieve my goals.

By: Daniel Salazar
- Goal: 195 @ 7% body fat in 13 weeks
- I have to lose 1.2 lbs of fat a week to meet the deadline
The life and schedule of a full time coach can be a bit hectic. On weekdays I wake up at 3:30am to open the gym by 4:30am (I have to get the gym floor ready for the 5am clients). Waking up that early is something that you never get used to!
Some days, I don’t make breakfast. I don’t even have the energy to eat anything that early in the morning. By the time my appetite is back, it’s too late. I can’t just sit in the middle of client’s session to have a full big boy breakfast.
A few hours might pass by,still have not gotten the chance to feed myself. Around 11 am or 12 pm our sessions end and I’m starving! No matter how much discipline you have to go about that many hours without eating anything or just having a shake, you’ll want to eat everything in sight.
Now that all my morning sessions are done I head home to take a nap. I walk through my door, eat anything I can lay my hands on than fall asleep.
After I get up from my nap I eat again cause I’m still hungry, checking my email, voice messages, and texts. That takes about an hour. Then get back to work but now from home.
I start writing up some training programs, check in on clients that haven’t been coming in, and follow up with some leads and prospects.
Now I have to start my personal growth. I read a few articles off the web, crack open a book or just listen to an audiobook while I’m doing my household chores. After that take the pooch for a walk then it’s back off to the gym.
I try to get in some sort of workout. I’m still beat by this time cause that nap did nothing for me. I knock out a few more one-on-one clients, maybe a small group or two then leave around 9 pm.
Get back to the house, have dinner with my other half and spend some quality time. Head off to bed at around 10:30-11pm and stuff my face in a pillow till i have to do it all over again the following day.
The weekends allow me to catch up on missed sleep for the week as I only have a few clients late mornings .
Its a rough schedule but the work is rewarding!
In order to reach my goal in going to need to get a few things down.
- Exercise program
- Nutrition
- Supplements
- Recovery
Let’s break each one down!
Since I have not done anything physically productive, I have to go back-to-back basics for a while.
Weeks 1-2: GPP (General Physical Preparedness)
This phase of my training will help me improve conditioning, lifting performance, and over health. This phase will be based on total body circuits and minimal rest time that get the blood flowing.
During this time, I’ll be doing tons of bodyweight movements, sled drags, farmer’s walks, pushing the prowler, and sandbag work.
The exercises and types of movements vary but this phase will have me doing tons of work for 3 sessions a week.
Weeks 3-6: Volume
This phase will put a little muscle on me and most definitely burn some unwanted fat. The rest times are short and the training volume will be somewhat high. I’ll be using an 8-12 rep scheme and as many as 5 sets.
The joint motion will continue to be balanced. I will also work on the weak spots that can affect my goals and health. I’m going to address all those little aches and pains in my body so I’m not completely wrecked by the end of this.
During this phase, I still did not monitor my diet just not eating any crap. See # 2.
Weeks 7-11: Strength and speed
Now I start to throw up some heavier weight or put it up faster. By doing this I should be able to maintain my muscle mass and build some strength and speed which is always cool.
I’m using a low volume with higher intensity. I’ll change up the intensity by either speed or weight. I’ll be in the gym 4 days a week using an up lower split. Probably add a sprint day or two if I get bored.
Now ill play with my nutrition and start to use a carb rotation method. (explained in #2)
Week 12-13: Maintain and Sweat
In these last two weeks of training ill be doing upper/ lower splits, training 2 days a week in this fashion. The sessions will be really short. Warm-up, knock out a few movements and I’m gone.
The training volume will be kept very low, lower than the last phase. I’ll do this by cutting some of the sets and ill keep the same intensity maybe gain some strength and (or) speed in the process while still holding on to my hard-earned muscle.
I’ll still stick to the carb rotation method.
During the other 5 days in the week, ill either be on my skates. the ring or doing some GPP work just to get myself moving and sweating.
This part is fairly simple: Don’t eat any type white or precessed carbs
ex. Sugar. rice, bread, flour etc.
- Eat a vegetable with at least 3 meals.
- Drink at least a gallon of water a day.
- Avoid any drink with unnecessary carbs. (Carb drinks are kept to pre and post-workout)
- Eat 5-7 times a day.
Note: I won’t be using a low carb/no carb diet on this program. The ultimate goal isn’t too crazy. I will be using a carb rotation method. It’s called by many different names but the idea is still the same. Just eat carbs around the time I’m going to use them. I’ll consume most of my carbs in the morning or around the time I’m training.
The topic of supplements is a touchy one. Let me just say that the supplements I will be taking are only to make up for what my diet may be lacking, nothing else. I don’t need much as I’m not trying to get super jacked.
Like I said earlier, I don’t get to eat as often as I’d like. When I do get the chance, I eat pretty much crap. So I’m going to have to settle for shakes, a lot of them.
Here’s my list
- 100% whey protein
- Multivitamin
- Active greens powder (vegetable supplement)
- Fish oil
Just sleep more! I will never meet my goal let alone continue to be a functioning member of society if I don’t get enough sleep.
Everything mentioned in this blog is pretty straightforward. I don’t think I need a super intense monster training and nutrition regimen, my strategy is effective. I’ll keep you guys post every few weeks on my progress and throw up some before and after pics.
Train hard, Train smart!