What’s up everybody Coach Dan here!
I just had a consultation with a member and he basically said that it’s easy for me to advise him on training, etc. Let me just explain something, our coaches and trainer don’t get much time to work out because we’re so busy making sure our clients get into the best shape they can.

By: Daniel Salazar
Yes, we do work in or own our gyms but building a business, helping our clients, and taking care of our families’ obligations really cut out the personal time we have to take care of ourselves in the gym.
I’m not writing this for any sympathy, I’m writing this to show you that some coaches and trainers go through the same everyday problems, trials, and tribulations that everyone else does. We are just as strapped for time as everyone else, our work is not from 9-5 its often it’s from 3:30 am till about 9 pm.
All I’m trying to say is we understand what you go through because were going through the same thing. We weren’t built this way. Hard work, dedication, and the right training program are what it takes.
Find someone that is where you want to be or knows how to get there, follow the plan, reach your goals, learn then create your way.
I’m done ranting till next week. Have a great weekend everyone!!!
Side note…Check out my workout for today:
- 5 muscle up’s
- 1 49 inch box jump
- 5 44 kg (96lbs) kettlebell snatchs (each arm)
- 4 rounds