As a coach and a parent, I hear numerous excuses about tasks that should’ve already been completed. You know what I’m talking about: why the laundry wasn’t done, why the bills werent paid on time, why you didn’t call someone you were supposed to, why this and why that…
The most common excuses I hear are why didn’t I get my workout in and another is why haven’t I been eating right?

By: Daniel Salazar
I completely understand some of the excuses. For the most part, it’s because we are scared of change. We are scared that we might put all our effort and energy into something for two possible results: either nothing to change or people make fun of you for wanting to change.
Well you know what? F$CK THAT
At the end of the day, it’s your life. If you are not happy, do something about it!
- Bad relationship? Dead it!!
- Shitty job? Quit!! Find a new one.
If losing weight, getting lean, or building muscle is your goal, seek out someone that has proven to get results. There are tons of people and info out there (not only Krank-BK) that can and will help you get to where it is you want to be, don’t settle for anything less than what you want.
I know. Anyone that has known me since I was a kid can tell you I was chubbier. I decided to make a change and I did, and so can you.
If you are serious about health and well-being, come check us out!!!
Here’s a vid of every excuse in the book. It’s your time, you are out of excuses!!