Most, if not all of us, want things as easy as possible. We want to make a billion dollars a year, to have ripped abs, a super model wife, a huge home couple of Ferrari’s and not have to do anything but sit on our ass to get it.

By: Daniel Salazar
It’s funny how everyone is looking for the magic pill, that one thing that will make all their dreams come true. Well, I have a little secret, i know what it is… HARD WORK!!!!
Initial Questioning
Know what your goal is… exactly what it is. Don’t say something like “I wanna just be happy”, you’ll never make with that train of thought.
- Why do you want this goal?
- Do you train or work hard enough? Really?
- If you could change one or two things in your current situation what would they be?
- Do you know you can win?
Ask yourself these simple questions, write down your answers and you will have a better understanding of where you are headed. Win or loss.
Keep all that negative shit to the side. There are more than enough situations and people in the world that can make life hard the last thing you need is disbelief and doubt in yourself.
Think win.
Ask Around
Find out who you have to know and talk to that can help you reach your goal, most people that are at the level of success that you want to be love to help young guns on the come up. Find out where their offices are located and send a letter. you would be surprised at how well a handwritten letter works, emails work well too. the point is just to reach out and you will get the help you need
Don’t be a jerk, ask for help!
Create a Plan
Once you know what you want to do, who you need to know, and what you will gain from this goal you will have to plan the steps needed to take it from an idea into reality. You can’t just wing it and expect to come out on top. Talk to anyone in any field that has been successful in any respect and they will all say the same thing, “you got to have a plan!”
I’ll cover how to plan in a later post but for now here are some ideas.
1. Write your main goal on a sheet of paper
2. Write as many things that pop in to your head that relate to the goal
3. Pick the most important thing off that list and do that
Most of the time we know what it is that needs to be done. Will you do what it takes to win?
“The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.” – Vince Lombardi