What up!!!
So today is the today is the unofficial end of summer, Labor Day! That mean burgers, hotdogs, beers and whatever else your family brings to a BBQ!! That also mean you are going to eat a bunch of shit you wouldn’t normally eat, typically ruining whatever diet you were on.

By: Daniel Salazar
Check this out, most gyms close early today so you might have slept in on your day off and missed your chance to get in a good workout before you get ready to feed your face.
Take a look at the Labor Day Fat Burner Workout. It is shot at a local NYC park by my apartment. You don’t need a gym to DO WORK SON!!!
Link to Video: https://youtu.be/P0uGJWFHIOs
PS: These are kind of like the straps i used to o the pushups. You don’t need them but they do give you a little challenge!!
Enjoy your work out!